Friday, February 22, 2013

The place is jumping!

10:33pm Friday night:
Trying to sleep right now without a fan is like trying to sleep in a night club... there is music blasting in the room next door of remixes of awesome songs which I would appreciate under normal circumstances, but not now. I can hear the music so clear like I'm in that room. This is almost worse than dead silence. Also there are people yelling outside my door, same as every night. This is nuts. I need that fan stat! Where are the CAs to enforce the quiet hours when you need them?!??!

*Written last night while laying in my bed dying. Surprisingly I fell asleep.


  1. new knowledge. now we know the university treat students differently: for foreign students, they don't have their bedroom electricity cut off every night, and they can have parties in the dorm every night. what can we say, you suck, 北工大 :P LOL

  2. haha yeah I guess so! Where are you from?

  3. There aren't any CAs and you better get used to the parties, in fact, it'd be better if you just joined them haha.
