Here are a few photos I have taken on my camera. I have more on my phone, only I am having trouble getting them out of there. I will share them as soon as I can.
So here's a plane with a cloud! I was lucky enough to have the window seat and literally nothing to do for nearly 14 hours so I actually took a few photos:
This one was later near the north pole!!!! There was ice down there and we were flying towards the sun (30 minutes before this photo it was dark out).
Look at that arctic snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My first view of China, some mountains in the North!! I thought this was amazing. <3
Here is a giant bottle of Chinese water! If you know me you know I love water so I just couldn't resist this photo opp!!!
My official room, I love my blanket so fluffy! That floor is where the roach was roaming! I died!
Okay well, unfortunately I'm having technical difficulties and so the rest of the photos don't want to upload at this time. I will put them up later. :)
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